“Study groups constitute the heart of our mission.”
Swami Chinmayananda
GOAL: Happiness, Peace, Freedom, Balance, Success – Here and Now
This is what everyone wants, all the time. The quest for these holistically, through guidance of the scriptures and a qualified teacher (Guru) is what spirituality is all about. The various religious traditions guide their followers towards this goal. The Upanishads, Brahma Sutras and Srimad Bhagavad Geeta are Vedanta scriptures of Hinduism – also known as ‘Sanātana Dharma’ or eternal Dharma.

HOW: Art of Living
Our modern day focus is exclusively on improvement of “Standard of Living” (luxury, comforts, conveniences, sophisticated life style), neglecting the “Standard of Life” (a natural, ethical, peaceful, joyful, respectful and creative Life Style). How to balance and enhance both the “Standard of Living” and “Standard of Life” is the first secret to “Art Of Living”.
The second secret is “The Art of Right Contact and Relationship” with the world of objects and people around us. “Not too tight, not too loose”.
To enjoy both “Standard of Living” and “Standard of Life”, by using “The Art of Right Contact and Relationship” is our birth right. Missing either of them or over indulgence in one of them only leads to imbalance, the real cause of our misery. Vedanta guides us to achieve and excel in this “Art of Living”.
INQUIRY: Who am I?
Once we start the quest for living this wholesome balanced life, then comes the next big secret! The secret to know Who Am I? Realizing “Who Am I”, while we are alive in this Human body is the ultimate goal of study of Vedanta. An individual who has studied and has come to experience this Truth is ever balanced, happy, contented, free and successful.
Many have conquered this final frontier. Why not we too? If so many have achieved it before us, in a human flesh, then why not we too? It is said, after knowing this (Who Am I?), nothing remains to be known and achieved.

Why Study in a Group?
Study involves 4 steps:
Deep curiosity to perceive and understand the world more deeply, more holistically.
‘Listening’ – self study of books; attending and listening to discourses by qualified teachers, using available audio/video resources and conversations with other students.
‘Reflecting’ – understanding what is being studied more deeply; contemplating and resolving apparent conflicts and doubts
‘Meditating’ – translating that which was studied and contemplated into living that knowledge, experiencing the knowledge
These reinforce each other. Study becomes deeper. Reflection becomes more personal. Meditation becomes more steady.
After listening to a Vedanta spiritual discourse, or after reading a scriptural text, you may have questions that remain unanswered. You may have not studied or listened to any scriptural discourse, but you are wondering where does life take you from where you are and in what direction? You may not even appreciate the relevance of scriptural study in your daily life. You may have attended the lectures very religiously but you cannot remember anything that you heard from the teacher’s mouth as relevant to you.
You must pursue your own study slowly and consistently by studying texts in Vedanta. The vehicle of study group is designed not only to bring intellectual knowledge to the earnest student but also to assure the student who is ready to put in the effort that he/she can indeed learn the means for becoming more peaceful, happy, and integrated in one’s life.
Benefits of Systematic Study
SELF Knowledge allows right contact with the world outside.
In order to know the world, it is important to know oneself .
To destroy the illusion that body is the Self and to reinforce the Knowledge of true Self, one should carry out the exercises through thought and discussion.

Focus of Study Groups
Systematic study of selected text.
Logical reflection on the teachings of the scriptures.
Connect with like-minded individuals to make the study easier.
Strive towards Self-Knowledge.
Chinmaya Study Groups
A Chinmaya study group is a group of five to fifteen people who meet regularly (at least once a week) to discuss one of the textbooks of Vedanta. CMWRC has several study groups located in different parts of Maryland and Virginia making it convenient for individuals to attend at least one study group near your place of residence.
Each study group has a sevak, male or sevika, female who will guide the discussion among members of the study group and assists members in their study, helping to clear many doubts that may arise. This person acts as the leader of the group and assists individuals with their doubts about any aspect of the study group. Each member in the study group is expected to study and participate fully in the discussion in the group.

History of Study Groups
When sincere seekers attended Swami Chinmayananda’s Yajnas, they felt the need to continue regular scriptural studies.
Swami Chinmayananda emphasized the importance of meeting regularly and following a definite scheme to study various vedantic texts.
The Chinmaya Movement emerged, grew, expanded and continues to be a worldwide spiritual organization of vedantic teachings based on the Strength of Study Groups.
Conducting a Study Group
The location of the study group is usually at the home of one of the members of the study group. It is always at the same venue and in a location within the home, which is spotlessly clean and orderly. Generally, the study group is conducted near an altar with images or symbols of the divine, plus a lamp or a candle to enhance the atmosphere and spiritual study.
Arrangements are to be made with sevak or sevika if the members of the house must be away for some reason and are not available on the study group day. There is no distribution of food at any time during the duration of the study group and none is encouraged either before or after the study group is over. The group leader usually sits near the altar and is responsible for the choice of text to study and all other administrative details such as punctuality, regularity of attendance and the need to come prepared by studying the scripture.

Please send an email to the study group coordinator if you are interested to join or for any further information.
Number | Text | Meeting Option | Location | State | Meeting Day | Frequency | Time | Group Leader | Primary Coordinator | Primary Coordinator's Email | Open for | Accepting New Members? | Average Attendance |
1 | Taitriya Upanishad | Online | Silver Spring | Maryland | Wednesday | Every Week | 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM | Prabha Maruvada | Prabha Maruvada | pvmaruvada@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (4) |
2 | Ashtavakra Gita | Online | Vienna | Virginia | Sunday | Every Week | 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM | Ram Nagula | Ram Nagula | ramnagula@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
3 | Upanishad Ganga | Online | Chinmayam | Maryland | Tuesday | Every Week | 08:30 PM - 09:30 PM | Medha Bhagwat | Deepa Krishnan | deepakrishnan108@gmail.com | Devi Group only | Yes | |
4 | Bhagavad Gita | Hybrid | Richmond | Virginia | Sunday | Every Week | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM | Nilkanth (Neil) Bhatt | Nilkanth (Neil) Bhatt | chinmayamissionrichmond@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
5 | Panchadasi | Online | Fairfax | Virginia | Saturday | Every Week | 9:25 AM - 10:30 AM | Vijay Kumar Ji | Vinod Kulkarni | vinod_kulkarni@hotmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (16) |
6 | Panchadasi | Online | Chantilly | Virginia | Sunday | Every Week | 08:30 AM - 10:00 AM | Kishore Bala | Mohan Kanumuru | mkanumuru@yahoo.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
7 | Vedic Chanting - Sri Rudram | Online | Online | Virginia | Monday | Every Week | 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM | Sri Gopalakrishna | Sri Gopalakrishna | sri_gopalakrishna@yahoo.com | Based on request and Approval | Yes | (25) |
8 | Vedic Chanting - Aruna Prasna (Surya Namaskar) | Online | Online | Virginia | Thursday | Every Week | 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM | Sri Gopalakrishna | Sri Gopalakrishna | sri_gopalakrishna@yahoo.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (25) |
9 | Geeta Sara | Online | Online | Virginia | Sunday | Every Week | 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM | Sri Gopalakrishna | Sri Gopalakrishna | sri_gopalakrishna@yahoo.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
10 | Saddarshanam | Online | Frederick | Maryland | Monday | Every Week | 07:30 PM - 09:00 PM | Humcha Hariprakasha | Sangmesh | sang.kona@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (12) |
11 | Kathopanishad | Online | Potomac | Maryland | Saturday | Every Week | 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM | D.C.Rao | Deepa Krishnan | deepakrishnan108@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | No | |
12 | Atma bodha , vishnu sahasranama | Online | Frederick | Maryland | Wednesday | Every Week | 07:15 PM - 08:30 PM | sukanya sathya | sukanya sathya | SUKISATHYA@YAHOO.COM | Open for Everyone | Yes | (10) |
13 | Advaita Makaranda | Online | Silver Spring | Maryland | Sunday | Every Week | 07:45 AM - 08:45 AM | Praveen Kumar | Praveen Kumar | 1praveenk@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
14 | Bhagavad Gita | Online | Gaithersburg | Maryland | Saturday | Every Week | 07:30 AM - 09:00 AM | Dr. D.C.Rao | Krishnan Balakrishnan | krishnan.b.krishnan@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | No | (8) |
15 | Gita Chanting and Memorization | Online | Potomac | Maryland | Sunday | Every Week | 06:30 AM - 07:30 AM | Krishnan Balakrishnan | Krishnan Balakrishnan | krishnan.b.krishnan@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (10) |
16 | Meditation & Life | Online | Clarksville/Columbia MD | Maryland | Saturday | Every Week | 08:15 AM - 09:15 AM | Sitaram Kowtha | Sitaram Kowtha | kowthafam@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (10) |
17 | Aparokshabuti | Online | Silver Spring | Maryland | Sunday | Every Week | 12:15 PM - 01:15 PM | Devyani Kavathekar | Shilpa Garud | sgarud2002@yahoo.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
18 | Bhagavad Gita | Online | SSVT temple | Maryland | Saturday | Every Week | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM | Padmini Thotapally | Shailaja Kurli | skurli8@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (7) |
19 | Vishnu Sahashranaama | Online | Germantown | Maryland | Sunday | Every Week | 05:00 PM - 06:30 PM | Sangamesh | Padmini Thotapally | npthotapally@yahoo.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (6) |
20 | Meditation & Life | Online | Potomac | Maryland | Monday | Every Week | 08:30 PM - 09:30 PM | Praveen Kumar | Praveen Kumar | 1praveenk@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | No | (10) |
21 | Upanishad Ganga | Online | SOUTH RIDING | Virginia | Wednesday | Every Week | 08:30 PM - 09:30 PM | Medha Bhagwat | Vibha Kulkarni | vibhakulkarni@hotmail.com | Devi Group only | No | |
22 | Drg Drsya Viveka | Online | Chinmayam | Maryland | Sunday | Every Week | 07:00 AM - 08:30 AM | Sanyogeeta Sawant and Sujata Kannan | Sanyogeeta Sawant | sanyogeeta_sawant@yahoo.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
23 | Vivekchudamani | Online | Online | Maryland | Sunday | Every Week | 07:30 AM - 09:00 AM | D.C.Rao | Krishnan Seshadri | krishnanseshadri11@gmail.com | Based on request and Approval | No | |
24 | Vedic Chanting - Sri Rudram | Online | Frederick | Maryland | Wednesday | Every Week | 07:15 PM - 08:30 PM | sukanya sathya | sukanya sathya | SUKISATHYA@YAHOO.COM | Based on request and Approval | Yes | (12) |
25 | Meditation & Life | In Person | Loudon County Seniors Center | Virginia | Monday | Every Week | 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM | Vijay Kumar | Vijay Kumar | vijaykumar@rocketmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (8) |
26 | Bhagavad Gita | In Person | Loudon County Seniors Center | Virginia | Monday | Every Week | 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM | Vijay Kumar | Vijay Kumar | vijaykumar@rocketmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (13) |
27 | Meditation & Life | In Person | Birchwood Community Center | Virginia | Monday | Every Week | 5:15 PM - 6:00 PM | Vijay Kumar | Vindo Mohan | vindo.mohan@yahoo.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (12) |
28 | Bhagavad Gita | In Person | Birchwood Community Center | Virginia | Monday | Every Week | 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Vijay Kumar | Yogesh Shah | yshah2000@yahoo.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (18) |
29 | Meditation & Life | Online | Chantilly | Virginia | Wednesday | Every Week | 11:30 AM - 12:00 Noon | Vijay Kumar | Dr. Ram Bhatt | rkbhat39@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (7) |
30 | Yoga Vasishta | Online | Chantilly | Virginia | Wednesday | Every Week | 6:50 PM - 8:00 PM | Vijay Kumar | Tejas Sahasranamam | tejas.sahasranamam@gmail.com | Open for Everyone | Yes | (15) |
31 | Introduction to Sanatana Dharma | Online | Online | Virginia | Monday | Every Week | 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM | Suresh Ramakrishnan | Suresh Ramakrishnan | suresh.ramakrishnan@chinmayadc.org | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
32 | Subodha Vedanta | Online | Online | Virginia | Tuesday | Every Week | 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM | Suresh Ramakrishnan | Suresh Ramakrishnan | suresh.ramakrishnan@chinmayadc.org | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
33 | Bhagavad Gita based on MGML by CIF | Online | Online | Virginia | Thursday | Every Week | 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM | Suresh Ramakrishnan | Suresh Ramakrishnan | suresh.ramakrishnan@chinmayadc.org | Based on request and Approval | Yes | |
34 | Mukundamala | Online | Online | Virginia | Saturday | Every Week | 5:30 AM - 6:30 AM | Suresh Ramakrishnan | Suresh Ramakrishnan | suresh.ramakrishnan@chinmayadc.org | Open for Everyone | Yes | |
Updated on 04-MAR- 2025 | |||||||||||||
Number | Text | Meeting Option | Location | State | Meeting Day | Frequency | Time | Group Leader | Primary Coordinator | Primary Coordinator's Email | Open for | Accepting New Members? | Average Attendance |
*All timings mentioned are in US Eastern Time.
If you notice anything that needs to be corrected, please send an email to studygroupinfo@chinmayadc.org
Frederick Chapter Study/Devi Group Contact Email:
dlyelamanchi@yahoo.com, Janakivaman@gmail.com, bhariprakasha@hotmail.com
What is a Devi Group?
At CMWRC, Devi Group is a forum for ladies inspired by scriptural studies to come together and gain a better understanding of Vedanta and its practical application in family life for Self Unfoldment. These study groups delve into the meaning behind life and encourages individual growth through the study of the timeless message in Vedanta.

History of Devi Groups
The first Devi Group, or Chinmaya Study Group exclusively for women, was inaugurated in November 1958, in Chennai, India, with Swami Chinmayananda’s blessings:
“Salutations to Mothers! I need not mention how happy I am that a Devi section of Chinmaya Mission is being inaugurated on this sacred day. Women of the country mould its future. The caliber of the children will be determined by the upbringing given by their mothers. Indeed, women have been, and even today are, the real custodians of our country’s spiritual culture.”
These encouraging words lay the foundation of Chinmaya Mission’s Devi Group culture, and these Devi Groups are today an integral feature of almost every Mission center across the world. Following the same curriculum as Chinmaya Study Groups, Chinmaya Devi Groups have grown over the years as powerful learning forums, open discussion arenas, and healthy support systems for women of all ages.